
Stray Cats
Mission sequence
Requirement: Calendar Girl
Follow-up: None
Required Level  ??
Mission giver: Intelligence Officer D'Ambrose
- Location: Outpost Intrepid
Reward giver: Unknown
- Location: Unknown
XP: 75,000
Credits: 5,700

Torqueshell Rifle Vextronics Torqueshell Rifle
Electric Polarity Gun Vitalius Electric Polarity Gun
Pulse Cannon Vextronics Pulse Cannon
Laser Rifle Vextronics Laser Rifle

Overview Overview[]

A group of AWOL soldiers from Fort Intrepid have reportedly formed their own community somewhere to the west of Staal. Intelligence Officer D'Ambrose wants you to infiltrate their ranks and offer them freedom from prosecution if they return to active duty.

Objectives Objectives[]

  • Locate the leader of the Awols
Find the Awol encampment in the hills to the west of Staal and question their leader.
  • Report back to D'Ambrose
Tell Intelligence Officer D'Ambrose that the Awols refuse to return to duty.

Dialogue Dialogue[]


Intelligence Officer D'Ambrose:

I'm investigating a number of reported violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I'm talking about deserters.
Name's D'Ambrose. I represnt AFS Intelligence for the Arieki theatre. A number of AFS officers and enlisted men and women recently deserted their platoons. Apparently some of them have banded together at an encampment somewhere west of Staal. We need to locate them and find out what their intentions are.
If they'll return to active duty, I'm authorized to promise them re-instatement and non-judicial punishment. If not, well... let's just say that Court Martials are not out of the question.
I need you to locate their camp and talk to their leader, if they have one. Report back to me with your findings.

Locate the leader of the Awols[]

Awol Captain Cheung:

A deal? Come back to the AFS and get shit on? What kind of a deal is that?
Know why I'm here? I started my tour on Foreas. My first nighttime patrol, our squad got ambushed by Lightbender Snipers near Lower Eloh Creek. I was the only survivor, and I was shot up pretty bad.
In the infirmary, they said they were transferring me to Erdas, the Brann homeworld. They told me it was quiet there, and I'd have a chance to recover. I stepped off the wormhole pad here on Arieki. Turns out Erdas was wiped out, a fact that High Command conveniently forgot to tell me. I wound up sitting in a trench with a rusty grenade launcher taking pot shots at Thrax patrols. Then the attack came and it was Eloh Creek all over again.
I was ready to do my part for the war effort. I hate the Bane as much as anybody, maybe more. But they LIED to me. Sent a wounded man straight into a hopeless battle without any officers worth a damn, and piss poor intelligence.
Screw them, and their Eloh bullshit. We'll fight this war on our own terms!

Return back to D'Ambrose[]

Intelligence Officer D'Ambrose:

You located the Awol camp? Did you give them our terms?



Walkthrough Walkthrough[]

If you choose "Option 1: Promise to keep their location a secret" on the mission The Other Side Of The Coin, this mission will fail.
