

Rockets are one of the 5 types of ammunition in Tabula Rasa. They are used in the Commando's Grenade Launchers and Rocket Launchers, the Ranger's Net Gun and the Sniper's Torqueshell Rifle. They are used in all versions of these weapons regardless of the damage type they deal. They are the most expensive type of ammunition per unit, but this is offset by a higher damage per shot. They can be purchased from most standard vendors, or fabricated using a schematic.


The grade of ammunition required depends on the level of the weapon. There is no difference at all between different grades apart from the cost.

Grade Cost per unit Approx level range
Standard Grade Rockets Standard Grade Rockets Currency Credits10 1 - 17
Improved Grade Rockets Improved Grade Rockets Currency Credits20 18 - 32
High Grade Rockets High Grade Rockets Currency Credits45 32 - 42
Select Grade Rockets Select Grade Rockets Currency Credits110 42 - ??
Elite Grade Rockets Elite Grade Rockets Currency Credits265 ?? - 50


Rockets can be created with fabrication by using schematics found on slain enemies. Each schematic is single-use and will produce 50 Rockets of the specified grade.

Grade Components used Requirements Time taken
Standard Grade Rockets Standard Grade Rockets 5 seconds
Improved Grade Rockets Improved Grade Rockets 6 seconds
High Grade Rockets High Grade Rockets 8 seconds
Select Grade Rockets Select Grade Rockets 9 seconds
Elite Grade Rockets Elite Grade Rockets 10 seconds