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Forean Machina
A Forean Machina
Type: Hybrid, (Hackable)
Weak To: EMP EMP
Resists: none
Immune To: Ice Ice
Fire Fire
Virulent Virulent

The Forean Machina have been created from fallen Forean soldiers and civilians. Attached to their brains and limbs are devices that control their actions. Completely unrecognizable from their previous state, the Bane direct them to fight against their former comrades. The instance Pravus Research focuses on the Forean Machina and their creation.


  • Forean Machina will resurrect until either/both the brain or/and control chip are looted.

PlayTR.com Description[]

Physical Traits[]

Forean Machina are mechanically and biologically altered Foreans and are likewise similar in size to both the Foreans and slightly taller than humans. They have clearly visible signs of their modification.

Damage Type[]

Contingent on weapon used.

Weapons Used[]

Machina can use any human weapon, but have lost the ability to use Logos powers.

Special Attacks[]



The Machina’s best armor is that they are highly resistant to damage. Because they are both biological and mechanized, they take only partial damage from all known weapon types.


No known weakness, though their mechanized parts are susceptible to EM radiation. Removal of their control chip prevents them from self-resuscitating.

Attack Range[]

Long Range


Machina soldiers are considered disposable and are therefore often used in large quantities as front line soldiers.

Forean Machina/Playtr
