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Section 5: Omega Labs
Location type:
Instance (Zone)
Item0484 Planet: Arieki
Item0482 Continent: Torden
Item0483 Zone: Abyss
Item0481 Instance: Section 5: Omega Labs
Mob Levels:
Map of Section 5: Omega Labs
Map of Section 5: Omega Labs

Section 5- Omega Labs

Map of Section 5: Omega Labs


Section 5: Omega Labs is an area in Torden Abyss. The map is a continuation of the Penumbra mission arc. The instance requires level 50 to access the quests.


The map is in Torden, Arieki. It is accessible from Abyss, behind the Penumbra section in Tantalus Base. In order to access the instance, you must complete the Penumbra mission arcs to obtain level 5 security clearance.


This instance is not easy, and the 5 quest rewards can be used to obtain a decent set of level 50 experimental armor. The enemies inside are Thrax Machina and human troops. There are two extra teleporters to unlock for extra mission credit.


  • Add mission info for the 5 Omega Labs missions
  • The mission rewards are Mech, Graviton and two others... Bio and Stealth?. One mission for each slot.
  • Fix the map screenshot