
Bootcamp Bypass
Stand-alone mission
Required Level 1
Mission giver: Captain Burba
- Location: Denzil's Caldera
Reward giver: Outpost Commander Rogers
- Location: Alia Das
XP: 1,250
Credits: 0

Shotgun Shinobi Shotgun
Rifle AccuMax Rifle

Overview Overview[]

You may bypass the tutorial content by exiting bootcamp using the dropship teleporter at near the bootcamp arrival point. You cannot return to bootcamp if you exit using this teleporter. Report to Major Bonham on arrival in Wilderness for additional instructions.

Note: If you have this mission you automatically become level 4 when leaving Bootcamp. The experience from completing this mission (and Moving Up to the Big League, if you have it) comes in addition to that.

Objectives Objectives[]

Report to Outpost Commander Rogers in the Command Center tent at Alia Das

Dialogue Dialogue[]


Captain Burba:

You think you've got what it takes? Don't need any combat training? In that case, I can arrange your transport out of here immediately.
(NOTE: This mission will allow you to bypass the entire tutorial. If you accept and complete this mission, you will never be able to play through the boot camp map with this character.)
You may bypass the tutorial content by exiting bootcamp using the dropship teleporter near the bootcamp arrival point. You cannot return to bootcamp if you exit using this teleporter.

Walk beneath the dropship, deploy out, then report in to Major Bonham on Concordia Wilderness[]

Major Bonham:

"They aren't kidding when they say the action never stops at Denzil's Caldera, are they? Well, looks like you made it out in one piece at least.
Things are pretty crazy around here right now. Our shipments of ammo and medical supplies are late, and Crusty's hitting us from all sides. Add to that, we've got reports of some kind of plague sweeping through the Corman settlements. You picked a hell of a week to sign on, recruit!
You'll want to check in with Commander Rogers. He's in the Command Center tent at the bottom of the hill."

Report to Commander Rogers[]

Outpost Commander Rogers:

"Well, what have we here?"


Outpost Commander Rogers:

"New recruit, eh? I've got some gear ready for you. You can stow any extra in one of the footlockers in the barracks tent, across the way.
Are you ready to see some action? I've got something for you, right off!"

Walkthrough Walkthrough[]

If you're doing this mission, you aren't supposed to need walkthroughs. Shame on you!
